Pharzen Science:Bridge the gap and cross the valley of death - Pharzen - Serving The Global Pharmaceutical Industry




Pharzen Science:Bridge the gap and cross the valley of death


Science and technology daily once said that a large number of research and development results cannot be used in production. In order to apply these results in production, a series of follow-up development need to be carried out, while some of them cannot be used even after follow-up development. That is to say, from technology research and development to market, from market disruption to form new industries, there is exactly a "valley of death".

Vernon Ehlers, deputy chairman of the house science committee, describes the gap between basic research and product development as "the valley of death". How do we navigate the gap between scientific research and corporate products in China? To bridge this gap, the government plays an important role, not just in terms of funding, but also in terms of improving research and technology. Pharzen Science comes into being, facing the transformation gap of the high-tech pharmaceutical industry. It helps to build a bridge so that many pharmaceutical enterprises could cross the "valley of death", achieve commercialization and industrialization.


  Pharzen Science is an engineering and technical enterprise with advanced science and technology and system equipment as its core. It specializes in technical consultation and project management of API construction projects and provide bulk drug testing platform design and construction services. Pharzen helps to realize the transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, establish a professional test base for intermediate experiments, and conduct the mature processing and industrialization test of scientific and technological achievements, namely the pilot test base, so as to achieve the necessary link of transformation of scientific and technological achievements to generating force.


  In a word, Pharzen Science is committed to serving the global pharmaceutical industry, bridging the gap and driving innovation across the valley of death.